Sliding into Week Three

By Florence B.

Can you believe it? We’re already at week 3 at school! We’ve made it through the “slow start” week where we were introduced to our new classes, and then we made it through the first official week of school routines! While we all had different experiences--parents stay with kiddos in the younger classes while parents in the older classes get the opportunity to drop off kiddos (some more successfully than others!)--we had one thing in common: fun and an opportunity to play and meet new friends!

Did you notice anything different about the school between week 1 and 2? I hope you did! We had the fall work party--and by party, I mean party! Together, we worked to spruce up the preschool property, including painting, doing minor repairs to the building, and cleaning up the outdoor areas! We met old friends and made some new ones as we worked together to improve our school--emphasis on OUR. As my work party buddy pointed out, “That’s my patch! I weeded that patch!” That was one of the welcome bonuses of helping out at the work party: the unexpected feeling of ownership and belonging. We weren’t just helping to clean a building; we were helping make OUR preschool an even better place for OUR kids! As I was pulling out some blackberry bushes, it was very easy to picture my daughter running around and playing in that specific area. When I was done and headed back to the preschool to see what to do next, I was momentarily taken aback by the fact there were FIVE people painting trim--talk about teamwork getting the job DONE!  

Fall 2017 Work Party.png

Switching gears back to routines, there’s only a week left in September before we move to our Autumn-themed October! Enjoy the last week in September while learning and getting into the flow of the school routines! As a new member, I can attest feeling like a fish out of water during some points in the class--and I can also point out the gratitude I feel when a seasoned member points me back in the right direction! Don’t forget to ask questions if you feel lost (everyone is new at some point and even seasoned members may need a refresher!), and please don’t hesitate helping someone looking confused!

Once we hop into October, get ready for some great themes as we cover fall, pumpkins, corn, and feelings and emotions! For the blog, I’d love to cover some of the topics you find in class, so please let me know if you have any anecdotes or tips to share! Specifically, I’d love to know:

  1. What are some of your favorite things to do in the fall?

  2. What are your favorite ways of decorating a pumpkin?

  3. Do you have some costume tips to share?

  4. How do you deal with strong feelings and emotions in your family?

  5. Have you ever had to deal with a tantrum in a public place?

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