Thanks to everyone for a great week first week of school. We were so happy to see how well the kids (and parents) are getting in the preschool routine. A big thank you to our teachers. We parents love seeing how teachers meet with each kid one on one such a gentle and personal way. You guys are the best.
This was our first week of school, and some students may be having trouble separating from Mom and Dad. If your child had a hard time separating, fear not! Lots of children need time adjusting and teacher Kelly and teacher Kathy have lots of experience in making the transition easier. Options to consider include (1) Have a playdate with your work partner, making sure that your child gets to engage one-on-one with your partner. Children may feel more comfortable if they know that there is a familiar adult to care for them. (2) Bring an object from home for your child to share with the teacher. This can help a child feel known and more connected to the teacher. (3) Let the teacher know when you are leaving the classroom, so that the teacher can assist your child in saying goodbye. (4) Check out this article on helping children cope with separation.
Heads up:
Kids and parents are already calling out sick! Please be sure that your little one washes his or her hands when entering the classroom.